- 10 / 28 / 2021
A big THANK YOU to the Under The Curley Willow Vendor Group for allowing me to participate as a vendor.
I was setup as an outside vendor (a little cold) at a craft show in Spanish Fork, UT. It was a great event. I'm really happy I went.
And thank you to everyone that came and helped or showed their support. - 1 / 20 / 2021
Here's a snap I took of a Helen Keller quote that I liked a lot. Years back I was at the Guide Dogs for the Blind out in California and this plaque hung on the wall. I had to train with my Jacey for about two weeks before I could take her home.
What a wonderful place. What a wonderful quote. - 1 / 5 / 2021
Have a ripping good time with these beauties.
I have added seam rippers to my woodworking repertoire. I made the three pictured by request. Notice the slight differences in grooves and details. I think I like making the handles large so people with arthritis will have an easier time. One might make a perfect gift for someone you know.
Perhaps I will make seam rippers part of my inventory, but not sure yet. If you're interested in buying one, please shoot me a message on my contacts page.
Bye for now! - 12 / 18 / 2020
My newest creations! They are black, yellow and white acrylic pens. Some are medium and others slim. The slim ones were kinda scary to make. When working acrylic on the lathe, they like to break apart when going slim. Grrrr!
There were 6. Two have sold. Get them while they are hot.
On sale now for 70 buckaroos. - 11 / 28 / 2020
OMG, I cannot believe I was on TV.
Thanks to Craft Lake City I appeared on Good Day Utah with Budah. Budah is a nice, nice man and very profesional. He and the people from Craft Lake City made me feel comfortable enough to not be a nervous wreck. I got to talk about my pens and Jacey girl.
I promise I won't let this go to my head. Take care. Oh, and buy something. Lol